When you spend as much time as I do sitting and making beautiful and fun accessories, you can sometimes forget to get up and MOVE!
My husband, E, started the P90X program a month ago and has seen some serious results... Me, jealous? nooooo.....
So yesterday as he was trying to cool down after an hour long weights workout and I was shifting in my seat (as I had been working on the polka-dot challenge hat for that hour) I realized that it was time to strike a balance.
(It stands up on its own - how cute is that??)
My little guy, W, is in SK this fall so I have the time in the morning to get a lot of stitching done! But yesterday I realized I also need to make time to exercise, too.
Sedentary crafting can lead to sore lower backs, hunched shoulders, and pants that are just a wee bit tighter than when we put them in the closet a few months ago.
And so I began the P90X Lean today! My end date will be 22 December - what a Christmas present!
And now no guilt over the endless housrs I get to spend making gifts!