Welcome to Raspberry and Lime!

This is where I get to share what I do. Be a mom and military wife, do my best to stay sane as we move around the continent, and explore my creative side.

The Dark Side of Crafting...

When you spend as much time as I do sitting and making beautiful and fun accessories, you can sometimes forget to get up and MOVE!

My husband, E, started the P90X program a month ago and has seen some serious results...  Me, jealous? nooooo.....

So yesterday as he was trying to cool down after an hour long weights workout and I was shifting in my seat (as I had been working on the polka-dot challenge hat for that hour) I realized that it was time to strike a balance.

(It stands up on its own - how cute is that??)
My little guy, W, is in SK this fall so I have the time in the morning to get a lot of stitching done!  But yesterday I realized I also need to make time to exercise, too. 
Sedentary crafting can lead to sore lower backs, hunched shoulders, and pants that are just a wee bit tighter than when we put them in the closet a few months ago.

And so I began the P90X Lean today!  My end date will be 22 December - what a Christmas present!
And now no guilt over the endless housrs I get to spend making gifts!

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